2022 ReSounding Wholeness
A Guided Journey to Remembering, Reclaiming, and Activating Your Unique Soul's Purpose
"Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you"

In 2022, I am excited to be facilitating a NEW 9-month program in the Nashville, Tennessee area where I will take the foundation of the Frame Drum Wisdom Apprenticeship Program and expand it into a dynamic, holistic, Divinely supported Journey for a select group of women who are ready to reclaim and activate their unique Soul's Purpose and Path.
Designed as a personal exploration and deep dive for women, it will be highly focused with what has been labeled the "Divine Feminine" in recent years, but what I sense is the receptive/ receiving aspect of the Creative Force. This force is available and necessary for ALL human beings.
I am hearing that "The Great Resignation" or what I like to term "An Epic Reset,” is upon us. More and more people are ready to be Sovereign Beings and to live their lives differently and more fully. I have been on this path for over 9 years (having left the corporate realm to venture out on my own at the end of 2012) and have a lot of relevant experience and tools to share. I am also connected to some other amazing, compassionate Facilitator/Guides that will be sharing their unique wisdom along the way with us.
Becoming a Sovereign Being in our current cultural structure takes a lot of courage and dedication to reprogram ourselves. Listening to Spirit guidance from within and boldly acting on that wisdom is one of the keys to our personal liberation. Our intuition is everything!
The creative activities and experiences we will share together will serve to open and clear your unique channel; bring a greater understanding and self-acceptance of who you REALLY are; and give you the strength and support to courageously activate a new way of living, being and co-creating in your life.
This 9-month Guided Journey Will Contain Interwoven Experiences Including:
Frame Drum Wisdom Teachings (sound healing with voice, drum, and other instruments)
Visual Creative Expression (watercolor play & more)
The Gene Keys (genekeys.com)
Poetry/Written & Spoken Word
A Supportive Community
When I went through my personal “dark night of the soul” in the last decade, I did not have the benefit of a dedicated, supportive community to hold space with me. Now I am deeply committed to creating a safe, nurturing community for and with others, especially as we are being called to go deeper than we have ever gone before. It’s time for us to heal individually, collectively, and in community. As one person heals, all of humanity heals.
I firmly believe this to be true.
It is such a monumental time to be alive on this planet and reclaim who and what we REALLY are. Being able to take this Journey in the company of other bold, bright lights will be epic! So, let's share in this 9-month ReBirthing Journey together!
If this intrigues and excites you, read on to understand the Commitment and Application Process. This Journey is limited to 10 Women.
(It is important for you to understand that this is not a certification program, it is a journey that will lead to you being on the path to living your life with greater confidence, a stronger voice, expanded creative expression, highly energized, and as a Divine Human Being, ever more focused on your Unique Soul's Path and Purpose.)
“Frame Drum Wisdom has given me a way to voice my soul. The connections I’ve made through the apprenticeship are authentic, and I’ve learned what it truly means to hold space for another and also how to be truly held. Learning about the frame drum, and reconnecting to times when women gathered to play and connect with the Devine has been empowering. Sound is truly healing and I can’t say enough. If you are considering the apprenticeship, I highly recommend you do this for yourself!”
— Stephanie Chance
“Karen Renée teaches you how to open a door to your soul and to step inside and listen. Authentic circle communication, therapeutic frame drum use, and intriguing study of the sacred and healing power of music. A journey to be taken, a destination not to be missed, this is an apprenticeship to self discovery.”
— D
"The Frame Drum Wisdom Apprenticeship program with Karen Renée is so much fun! Her voice and talents are remarkable. Because of her attitude and knowledge, you feel comfortable and appreciated for who you are and the talents you possess. What I love about Karen Renée is how she allows you to be yourself without judgement. The camaraderie of the group was filled with laughter, sharing and sisterhood (all women). I am learning to accept my voice. I love playing my frame drum; she told me her name is Beauty. I am in great gratitude." — Mary Glesige
2022 Nashville Program
The Parameters To Commit To This Program Are As Follows:
1. Be Available to attend all of the Saturday Gatherings that will be held in my home in Mount Juliet, TN and the Weekend Gathering that will be held in this region (exact location for the retreat is TBD). There will also be one 60-90-minute Zoom Video Call in between each In-Person Gathering.
It is my sincere belief that the transformative, mystical experience and value of what I share is about people coming together in person to feel the vibrations and connections we create. It is about creating a safe container for people to open up and be vulnerable. It is about holding space to allow for all emotions to be expressed and honored. It is being a witness and a compassionate contributor to the processes unfolding.
The Dates For The Program:
Saturday, April 2nd | 10am-4pm
Saturday, May 7th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, June 11th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, July 16th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, August 13th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, September 10th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, October 8th | 10am-4pm
Saturday, December 10th | 10am-4pm
November Weekend
Friday, November 11th | 6:30pm-9:30pm
Saturday, November 12th | 10:00am-5pm
Sunday, November 13th | 1pm-5pm
Each Saturday Session Investment: $200. The Weekend Retreat Investment: $444. Cost does not include food or lodging.
If you are coming in from out of town you will need to secure lodging for yourself.
The Total Cost for the Program is $2,044
2. You Will Need to Purchase and Read the Following 2 Books.
Music Medicine: The Science And Spirit Of Healing Yourself With Sound
by Christine Stevens. You can purchase HERE
The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose
by Richard Rudd. You can purchase HERE
We will be discussing these books and the information contained in them as a
part of our process and time together throughout the year.
Additional Recommended Reading (but not required):
When The Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History Of Rhythm by Layne Redmond. You can purchase HERE
Sound: Native Teachings + Visionary Art by Joseph Rael. You can purchase HERE
3. You Will Need to Purchase a Journal, a Creative Art Journal and Inexpensive Painting Supplies.
Details for this will be shared with you before the first gathering.
4. You Will Need to have a Frame Drum & Mallet by or at the First Gathering.
I will have some available on April 2nd if you would like to purchase through me.
5. You Will Be Required to sign a Commitment Contract that will include a specific Payment Plan for your Acceptance into the Program.
I have found that commitment has become a bit fuzzy in our culture in recent years and find this step helpful as you embark on this transformative, life changing journey for yourself. After 9 years of following my Soul's Calling (stepping out of the corporate realm), without commitment to myself, perseverance, and the guidance of Spirit, I would not be walking the journey the way I am now. It is not easy...but it is extremely worth it!
Also know that I understand that life can bring unexpected situations that may cause you to miss a session. I will definitely work with you if that occurs.
Are You Still Interested Now That You Understand The Commitment?
Please Complete the ReSounding Wholeness Application HERE
Note: I want to understand your background, hopes and desires, and to gauge how the participants will resonate together.
By Friday, March 18th, I will email the Selected Participants a Commitment Contract to be signed and returned to confirm their participation. Payment for the program can be done in full upon acceptance, or by a payment plan that will be outlined in the contract.
If you have any questions that have not been covered here, please email me at karenrenee@resoundingwholeness.com. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.
I am sincerely grateful for your consideration and interest in this 9-month Journey. I know without a doubt that those who step into this experience and process will be changed at depth.
With Deep Appreciation,
Karen Renée Robb
"The Drum Lady" | Two Feathers
Founder of Frame Drum Wisdom & ReSounding Wholeness

photo by Billy Kion Ra
photo by Billy Kion Ra

The 2022 Journey's Core Support Team

Karen Renée Robb
Journey Facilitator & Guide
Karen Renée is a vocal and visual artist with over 30 years of vocal performance experience. Her passion for live sound, creativity and compassion has led her to assist others in reclaiming their voice, innate rhythm and creative expression through the use of the frame drum. A mid-wife for the souls expression, Karen Renée brings her whole self into the experiences she facilitates. Helping to awaken and support others in meaningful, memorable ways, she makes the Healing Arts accessible and a vital part of personal growth and development. Karen Renée is also a Sound & Reiki Clinician, Reiki Master Teacher, Circle Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker and Universal Life Minister.
In 2012, after 25 years in Corporate America, working for well-known companies including Apple Computer, Digidesign (creator of Pro Tools), Gibson Guitar, and Griffin Technology, Karen Renée felt a deep calling to use her unique talents, experience and marketing expertise to advocate for and participate in sound and music healing modalities.
Walking her authentic path she found inspiration in frame drum singing, toning and drumming. Introduced to the frame drum from a TEDx talk by Eliana Gilad in early 2013, she states “The first time I watched and listened to her sing into the drum,
I knew that I was being called to do it as well. I believe there is an opportunity for a lot of people to resonate with it. I am facilitating classes, organizational workshops and private sessions to introduce others to the art and magic of the frame drum. It's not just for drumming anymore and you don’t need to be a trained musician to benefit from it.”
Her venture Frame Drum Wisdom is helping people reclaim their voice, to speak their truth and create sounds that stir their heart and soul. Opening them up to a greater sense of self and creative expression in their lives. She has touched the lives of people in transition through volunteering at Alive Hospice; awakened the voices of people of all ages, especially women; provided connection and vocal strength for people with Parkinson’s and Alzheimers; and even uses the techniques to aide in alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs. The application for this frame drum wisdom is truly endless.
Karen Renée has always had a deep desire to help connect people to the beauty that resides within and around them. This new chapter on her life's journey continues to expand her ability to touch people’s lives in a profound way. “I am energized by helping people find and embrace who they really are so they can shine their authentic, beautiful light into the world. We need all of our lights to shine brightly, now more then ever.”

Raven Barrientos
Apprentice & LightKeeper
From a very early age, Raven Barrientos was surrounded by music and art. As she developed and nurtured her relationship with both elements throughout her developing years, they gradually evolved into huge passions in her life.
The vocalist/violinist relocated from upstate New York to Nashville in the early 2000s, where she pursued her passion in the “Music City” for several years before later joining the corporate world. While music, a vital and necessary source of happiness, remained a hobby in her life, it was no longer at center stage. But in 2016 when Raven began her awakening journey, it became apparent that both music and art— now in the form of painting—needed a greater place in her world.
Seeking solace in sound frequency healing tracks, it wasn’t long before she began to realize that sound held even greater importance than she may have once thought. At a chance pairing at the Center For Spiritual Living in Nashville, she met Karen Renée Robb and she sang background vocals to Karen Renée’s song “A Call For Compassion.” Synchronistically along her own journey, Raven had made the decision to tattoo the word compassion to her right forearm just days before this performance. Raven received the call and joined the first Frame Drum Apprenticeship Program created and led by Karen Renee in 2019. There, she further developed her skills by learning the use of the frame drum as well as other sound healing modalities, eventually finding her way to her spirit instrument, the calabash.
Music and art are once again holding a primary focal point in her life. Raven is now working towards projects to further her own healing journey as well as sharing her gifts and findings with others along the way.